
Something mad squeezes the jays like
bike horns. Like chew toys.

There, a hawk, hunched in his silence,
bored with the squabble.

He wants what he wants.

A brown mouse, its tail a pink tickle in his throat.
A chubby vole, warm and juicy.
But a jay will suffice, despite the bother of all that blue.

God, how they screech at him.
Brazen hypocrites,
their beaks gummed up with the buttery yolks of
the never-hatched.

I smack my lips, likewise bloodied with
a beast born and butchered.

We feed ourselves and scream at the hungry
like bike horns, like chew toys with teeth.

This one’s mine, we squawk.
Get your own.


Black Crepe


Going Dolally